Foto: Renee Altrov

Support measures

The Estonian Centre of Folk Culture mediates various national support measures and programs for the promotion of culture.

Various support measures also make it possible to contribute to the appreciation of folk culture and intangible cultural heritage.

The Estonian Centre of Folk Culture manages 12 different measures.

Cultural spaces

  • Cultural spaces have received support since the year 2000.
  • There are seven cultural spaces that have been allocated support – Kihnu cultural space, Mulgimaa, Setomaa, Peipsiveere (includes the traditions of the Old Believers and Kodavere), islands (includes the tradition of Estonian Swedes), Vana-Võromaa, Virumaa (includes the traditions of Lääne- and Ida-Virumaa).
  • The aim of implementing support measures for cultural spaces is to value, preserve and pass on the traditional cultural characteristics of the region and communities to future generations and to strengthen local identity. No cultural spaces are alike, the capacity and the ability of communities to value traditional culture is different. Therefore, it is reasonable to separate the support measures to be able to deal with each traditional cultural space individually.
  • Since 2014, the department of support measures has been keeping a list of publications funded by Estonian Centre of Folk Culture support measures. Publications can be consulted on site, upon prior agreement with the support measures department.

Kuningriigi päeval. Foto: Merlin Lõiv (2009)